Happy Easter everybody!
Nicky and I had a great one, since we got our first egg!!!!
We noticed one of our chickens was squawking funny in the morning, making sounds that we have never heard them make before:
Later in the afternoon, I checked on her, and she was alone in the coop, pacing back and forth on top of a shelf that we had on the upper level of the coop. She started scratching at the plywood and was panting, and seemed freaked out, so we left her alone. Later, we saw her come out of the coop and appear normal, drinking water, and looking for something to eat, but when we checked the upper shelf, we found a loverly egg!
We scrambled it, and had it with our dinner salad, and it was super good! I look forward to getting lots and lots of eggs!
Also, we our plantings are starting to get big! On the left are the veggies, which I wish I had planted earlier given how warm this spring has been. On the right, we have a ton of milkweed that we are going to plant around the garden to attract monarch butterflies.
Keep on planting!
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