We had a busy busy weekend! Nicky and I went to Theodore Payne nursery in Southern California to buy lots of natives for our garden:
The biggest purchases went towards Nicky's lower slope. She planted lots of fescue (from a flat, as well as small and medium sized pots, and from seed!) We better get a whole slope of native grasses! We even fenced off the area to prevent Flint (our dog), or more likely my mother-in-law's dog Rogue (or nut butt) from destroying the grass before their long roots take hold.
Nicky also planted golden sedum in a path from the seating area, down around the nectarine tree, to form a cool spiral. As you can see, Ford our cat is helping.
Here is a cool view of Nicky's slope, which hopefully will turn into a lush meadow by summer!
I also bought a small Jefferey Pine, which I planted in a pot on the deck. I really look forward to it getting bigger because their bark smells like vanilla.

We also planted a few non natives, here you can see our third blue berry bush (on the left), and a blackberry bush (on the right), which we later fenced off so that our dog wouldn't try to eat it . Not the berries, but the damn plant! He pulled out our previous two rhasberry plants.....
We also planted Western Redbud (a native) out front of the house, which has beautiful pink flowers.
We also ripped out a strip of our grass, in which we planted a line of gladiolus bulbs. Also, not a native, but of so pretty!
We had so many of the gladiolus, so we sort of spread them around the garden. As well, Nicky drained and cleaned out our algae filled water garden, and set up the decorative pump we got for Christmas. Still need to look for a nice solar pump, and then we are set.
Happy Gardening!